
DSB User testing

DSB User Testing

Plan and execute a user test of the new web design for “Mit DSB”, a deal and service opportunity for customers traveling with DSB, in order to identify any difficulties before launching the site.

We recruited users by asking people on a long distance train and by sending out emails to customers who was already a member of “Mit DSB”.
In every test we did the following: 
- A preliminary user interview covering their travel routines and technical skills.
- 3 user assignments: Create an account, Sign up for a specific service, Sign up for promotional deals. We used thinking Aloud testing as the method to conduct the insights, we recorded the user interactions on the screen and their facial expressions.
- Flow evaluation: Going through each step of the flow together with the user allowed us to ask them in debt questions.

Based on the results from the test, we identified 1 crucial misunderstanding, and a range with the potential for improvement. The most crucial misunderstanding was that the user did not see a very important sign up button, which was redesigned before launching the site.

Agency: Ogilvy Denmark